Benda-benda di sekitar sekolah

Pada pelajaran ini para murid SD kelas 5 diharapkan menguasai kata-kata benda yang biasa ditemukan di sekitar sekolah.

Vocabulary – Perbendaharaan Kata

desk = meja
chair = chair
blackboard = papan tulis hitam
whiteboard = papan tulis putih
eraser = penghapus
cupboard = lemari
computer = komputer
screen = layar untuk proyektor
air-conditioner = pendingin ruangan
fan = kipas angin
bookshelf = rak buku
noticeboard = mading
map = peta
globe = globe
ball = bola
bell = bel
canteen = kantin
library = perpustakaan
teachers room = ruang guru
office = ruang kepala sekolah
classroom = ruangan kelas
laboratory = laboratorium
school yard = lapangan sekolah
toilet = toilet


1.                 The teacher keeps his books in the cupboard.
2.                 Students buy some food and drink in the canteen.
3.                 We borrow books from the library.
4.                 Our school has a biology laboratory.
5.                 They go to the toilets on break-time.
6.                 The teachers rest in the teachers’ room.
7.                 The globe is on the table.
8.                 There are two fans on the wall.